Feng shui decorating ideas - Parachute Homes

Did you know good design can encourage a happier way of living? Our surroundings certainly have a more significant effect on us than we expect. After all: a disorganized space can often lead to a chaotic mind. Read on to discover how feng shui decorating can improve your interior – and maybe even your life!

Feng Shui Interior Design 101

Feng shui bedroom interior design and decorating - Lori D.
Bedroom with feng shui decorating ideas by Decorilla designer, Lori D.

Feng shui isn’t one of the new interior design trends 2022 has to offer but a centuries-old practice. Simply put, it’s an ancient Chinese philosophy regarding the placement and positioning of various elements. But feng shui goes beyond Western interior design concerns like aesthetics and comfort. It’s about inviting positivity into a room through balance and harmony.

In fact, feng shui in interior design done right impacts numerous parts of life. The areas include a person’s mental and physical health, the quality of relationships, and success. It’s all thanks to increased positive energy flow, known as chi.

Need some help pulling off feng shui decorating principles in your home? Schedule your Free Interior Design Consultation to get started with award-winning interior designers today!

Feng Shui Decorating Ideas

Feng shui room design - Arlen A
Lounge with feng shui interior design by Decorilla designer, Arlen A.

Feng shui in interior design can help you improve multiple areas of your life through home updates. Not only will you get to enjoy a refreshed space, but also profit from improved wellbeing! What’s not to love? Aside from the top 10 feng shui bedroom ideas, there are plenty of other ways in which you can decorate your interior to start reaping the benefits.

Up with Feng Shui Home Decor

feng shui home decor - Ibrahim H.
Bedroom with feng shui room design by Decorilla designer, Ibrahim H.

Height represents expansion and growth in feng shui. If you want to achieve personal growth, consider adding height to your interior with vertical lines and shapes. It’s possible to implement this feng shui decorating principle in several ways. For example:

  • Line a wall or two with tall bookshelves
  • Place a tall indoor tree in the corner to lengthen a wall
  • Install vertical wall accents, like wood slats, for a sleek and earthy visual illusion
  • Incorporate additional accent lighting in spaces so that the light flow appears to go upwards
  • Hang feng shui wall art high enough on the wall that you have to raise your chin when admiring it

Incorporate the Elements

Feng shui decorating for a bathroom - Lori D
Bathroom with feng shui interior elements by Decorilla designer, Lori D.

Fire, water, earth, wood, and metal: we, and the world around us, are made of these five elements according to feng shui. When thinking about it that way, it’s no wonder that the elements play such a significant role in feng shui interior design. Each element holds unique powers. 

Feng Shui Elements in Room Design 

Feng Shui decorating ideas and interior design by Anna Y
Feng shui decorating ideas for a kitchen interior design by Decorilla designer, Anna Y.

  • Fire holds powers of inspiration and clarity. It’s associated with shades of red, triangular shapes, and fire-inspired materials.
  • Water holds powers of intuition and depth. It’s associated with shades of black, formless shapes, mirrors, and water-inspired materials.
  • Metal holds powers of precision and beauty. It’s associated with metallic and white colors, round shapes, and metals.
Feng shui room design - West Chin Architects
  • Earth holds powers of grounding and stability. It’s associated with yellow and earthy tones, square shapes, and clay or stone materials.
  • Wood holds powers of healing and growth. It’s associated with shades of teal and green, column shapes, plants, and trees.

Incorporate the distinct characteristics of the elements into your décor to enjoy their chi.

Say Yes to Indoor Plants

Feng shui house interior design - Drew F
Office with feng shui home decor by Decorilla designer, Drew F.

One of the simplest ways to improve feng shui room design is to add indoor plants. Keep in mind that different plants and their positioning can strengthen different types of chi. In other words: do some research before visiting your local nursery. Overall, however, plants are synonymous with life-giving energy. Whichever kind you get will contribute to a space’s vibrancy and freshness.

Mirrors & Mantels

Mirror over fireplace feng shui - Ryley B.
Feng shui room design by Decorilla designer, Ryley B.

Adding a mirror over the fireplace in feng shui can have different effects. Again, it depends on factors like the location of the fireplace and the Bagua sector it falls in. Bagua refers to the feng shui energy map consisting of eight areas and a central space. Generally speaking, hanging a mirror above a fireplace results in good energy. It’s because mirrors are water elements in feng shui decorating that balance out fire elements, like a hearth.

Tips for Feng Shui in Interior Design

Feng shui home decor - Ryley B.
Dining room with feng shui decorating ideas by Decorilla designer, Ryley B.

There are many practical ways you can quickly and effortlessly up your feng shui house interior design. From decluttering to reorganizing furniture and beyond. We explore some easy-to-execute tips to increase your home’s energy flow.

Clear Up the Clutter

Feng shui decorating and interior design ideas - Calima Home

Take the first step towards a feng shui interior by clearing up the clutter around your home. Even if your space does adhere to the principles of feng shui, you won’t be able to enjoy any benefits before decluttering. It’s because clutter manages to obstruct energy flow, robbing you of possible gains such as luck in your career, health, and wealth.

Embrace Natural Light

Feng shui and interior design - Selma A.
Feng shui bedroom decorating flooded in natural light by Decorilla designer, Selma A.

We need exposure to both yin (dim, low light) and yang (bright light) energy for healthy living. That’s why it’s essential to invest in effective window treatments where you can control the flow of natural light. Remember this when making feng shui interior design choices according to your home’s natural lighting.

For example, think of quality blackout curtains. They ensure a restful night’s sleep, but when thrown open, allow plenty of sunshine to stream in. It’s all about balance.

Reorganize the Room

Feng shui home decor - Contemporist

One of the main concerns of feng shui in interior design remains the placement of furniture. When a room’s layout is bad, the energy flow will also be poor. The easiest way to correct this is by considering how you move about a space. If you’re constantly bumping into a side table, it isn’t in the right place. Efficiency is key in feng shui and interior design. Reorganize spaces that are uncomfortable or difficult to navigate: you’ll enjoy better energy flow.

First Impressions Matter

Feng shui home decorating - Urbanology

What is so important about my entryway?’ you may wonder. Well, it’s the first point of contact with your home – for yourself and guests. It’s only natural that your feng shui decorating should be neat, tidy, and attractive to welcome in good energy. Include practical feng shui home décor, like a shoe and coat rack, to keep the space orderly. Aesthetic pieces, such as a rug, artwork and indoor plants, can also make a huge difference in creating an inviting entrance.

Do you need feng shui interior design help?

Achieving the right feng shui in interior design can be tricky, as it’s a rather nuanced philosophy. If you need help improving your space’s chi flow, schedule a Free Interior Design Consultation to work with the finest interior designers today!

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