Everyone wants their home to have a sense of harmony. Much of this desired feeling results in being mindful of creating balance in your space. This does not just pertain to having a level of symmetry in furniture placement and decor; it has to do with much more.
In feng shui, the ancient Chinese art and science of energy flow, Yin (passive energy) and Yang (active energy)are associated with the feminine and masculine characteristics of objects in your home. Having more of one over the other creates an imbalance; the presence and interaction of both nourishes each.
Among other attributes, Yin is represented by that which is slower, softer, flexible, and feminine. Yang is found in that which is faster, harder, rigid, and masculine. There are certain rooms in which either Yin or Yang elements are appropriate; Yin in a bathroom and Yang in a kitchen, for example. Yet, being aware of having a balance of both can often enhance the home environment as a whole.
With this in mind, step back and observe your home. Is there a tendency to have soft colors or vibrant ones? Are there many straight lines and angular pieces of furniture? Is there a definite preference of one material used over another like wood or metal?
Part of balancing you home is being able to identify masculine and feminine design inclinations. Interior design-wise, there are several aspects of Yin and Yang that apply with a few more traits that are easily visible.
Masculine design
• earthy color tones (grays, browns, and shades of black)
• occasional pops of color
• furniture is sleek with straight edges
• textiles are found in solids, stripes, and plaid
• concrete, steel, and leather are popular finishes
• art is bold in size and concept
Feminine design
• muted color tones such as pastels
• softness is found in fabric patterns (floral, damask)
• textiles are soft to touch (cotton, silk, velvet)
• furniture is more ornate than functional
• ambient lighting is important
• accessories are key; they may have practical uses, but for the most part are there for decor
If you find a space is leaning too much to one side, apply a little of the “opposite”. Drape a leather arm chair with a soft throw or quilt. Consider painting your wall a masculine gray color and incorporating a feminine accent color like pale yellow. Place a decorative vase of flowers on top of your modern wooden credenza.
In design, masculine and feminine traits certainly reflect one’s style preference. Yet, being aware of how to subtly balance the two can harmonize an interior space in energetic ways that promote a healthy and lovely living environment.
Written by Christine Martin, Decorilla’s design expert. Wondering how to create a comfortable and beautiful interior by mixing your own items with fresh pieces? Looking to eliminate the tiring trial-and-error experience when designing a room? Start a decorating project and have Decorilla’s designers offers you multiple design concepts.
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