
Decorilla has an expert team of interior designers that work online or in person. An integral member of this team is Wanda Peiffer. Both creative and organized, she has been creating beautiful interiors for over 30 years! Plus, Wanda puts the client’s personalized style in the spotlight. Read on to discover more about this passionate interior designer!

Meet Interior Designer: Wanda Pfeiffer interior-designer-Wanda-Pfeiffer

Enthusiastic and communicative, Wanda Peiffer is an asset to anyone’s team. She is inspired by the “what if’s” in design and quotes art and nature as her biggest influences. Moreover, she excels in portraying clients’ personalities through her luxury interior design. Simultaneously, she encourages them with unique solutions to any problem.

Love Wanda’s virtual interior designs? Then, schedule a Free Interior Design Consultation to learn more about working with her today!

Open concept living by Decorilla interior designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

Did interior design always interest you? 

Yes, not directly, but indirectly through art. I was always drawn to art of all forms and was happiest in a creative activity. In my late 20s, I accepted a temporary receptionist position in an interior design firm. I’ve never looked back!

Formal living room by Decorilla interior designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

I fell in love with the blend of creative and technical skills that intertwine throughout a design project. I also relish the fast pace and the tactile and visual aspects of the materials. It also provides a great balance between solitary creativity and teamwork with suppliers and clients. 30-plus years later, I still love my work and would rather be designing than almost anything else on earth.

Apartment by Decorilla interior decorator, Wanda Pfeiffer

How would you define your design style? 

I have a personal design style that I enjoy in my home, but I don’t have a professional design style. I know many designers today have a signature look, but I approach each project intending to reflect the client’s personal style rather than my own.

Dining area by Decorilla interior decorator, Wanda Pfeiffer

Working within the parameters of “good” design, you can create the bones of a wonderful project. This includes incorporating balance, rhythm, scale, proportion, texture, and color. The client’s personality and style can then be added to the project to enhance and complement, resulting in a truly personal design.

Bedroom by Decorilla interior designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

Who or what influences your work? 

Art, nature, and my fellow designers and architects inspire me. Beauty and balance are all around us every day. You just have to slow down the pace to appreciate. I’m also constantly inspired and amazed at how other designers and artists utilize color and materials in innovative ways. I love the “what if” aspect of the creative mind.

Japandi virtual interior design by Wanda Pfeiffer
Japandi virtual interior design by Decorilla designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

What’s a must-have item you make sure your interior designs include? 

Space-planning. It’s my focus and must-have at the beginning of every project. Finding the best flow and special relationships of the furnishings in the space are so important to the final results. 

Dining room by online interior decorator Wanda Pfeiffer
Dining room by Decorilla interior decorator, Wanda Pfeiffer

What is a recent design trend that you love at the moment? 

I’m seeing a return to a warmer, more organic design in materials and color tones. There is also an increase in natural wood finishes, which are so soothing to our souls.

Virtual dining room interior design by Wanda Pfeiffer
Virtual dining room interior design by Decorilla designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

If you had to pick a favorite room in your home, which would it be and why? 

It’s always going to be an outdoor space! A sunroom or lanai with overstuffed, comfy seating, natural light, and lots of fresh air. Open decks, gazebos, or screened rooms are all great. Growing up in south Florida, outdoor living is a major portion of our homes and my favorite area for entertaining and relaxing.

Outdoor design by Decorilla interior decorator, Wanda Pfeiffer

What is your favorite design magazine or blog and why? 

Architectural Digest for the WOW factor. Who doesn’t love those amazing project photos? I also love Dwell magazine’s innovative and creative use of materials, locations, and space planning challenges. Truly inspiring projects!

Living room that inspires online interior designer Wanda Pfeiffer posted on Architectural Digest
Wanda’s inspiration from Architectural Digest

What is the best thing about being an interior designer? 

Every day is different, and I’m never bored. Every project is a new challenge and a new opportunity. Also, my right and left brain receive equal exercise.

Contemporary bedroom by Decorilla interior designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

What was your first big project and what was your favorite part?

My first new construction home project was an amazing property in Vermont. Such scenic surroundings and a wonderful client combined made it such an enjoyable and successful project for us both.

Virtual interior design by Decorilla designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

My favorite aspect was the design process with the client. After our initial design meetings to outline the project requirements and direction, I was given a free hand to create and design. Such freedom of design and creativity, great fun!

Virtual bedroom interior design by Wanda Pfeiffer
Virtual bedroom interior design by Decorilla designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

How do you manage challenges that come up during a design project? 

Communication. Discussions will always result in a better outcome than silence. I also learned early in my career to be sure you have the solution ready before you present the problem. I really see that as my professional responsibility to a client to have the solutions.

Virtual office interior design by Wanda Pfeiffer
Virtual office interior design by Decorilla designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

Why do you like virtual interior design? 

Virtual interior design is a wonderful process for both the designer and the client. Being able to share information daily, rather than waiting for a formal meeting or a site visit, helps keep communication open.

Contemporary virtual interior design by Wanda Pfeiffer
Contemporary virtual interior design by Decorilla designer, Wanda Pfeiffer

I notice that my clients often text after work, late at night, or early morning, whenever it’s convenient for them. We can also share a broader range of selections with so many suppliers available.

Want to find the right interior designer for you?

If you resonate with her and enjoy her style, start a project with Wanda! Or, schedule a Free Interior Design Consultation so Decorilla can match you with your ideal designer today!

online interior design service

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